
Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Cultural Day

Cultural Day

I think schools should have cultural day at least once every term.  Schools are filled with a lot of different cultures like Islanders and Indians. It would be awesome to see different cultures, where everyone can show off where they come from.  You might even learn that some people come from the same culture as you.

For cultural day we could have a lot of different things to do like everyone could bring something of their culture in from home that represents them.  Everyone could also cooperate with each other by playing a game from a different country.  It’s also a great opportunity to teach one another about our own culture and traditions.

Everyone could bring one plate of food that’s from their culture. Like Indians have curry or naan bread and Maoris have hungi or Maori bread. It would be a new experience for everyone to taste new flavours.

People that have been to there country they are from could speak to everyone about their experience and what the people are like in their country.  Especially about how people drive  and the different beaches or amusement parks there are.

So wouldn’t you like to have a awesome cultural day, try out some new foods and flavours, play fun games and experience different things? Well I know I would so lets have a cultural day.

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