
Monday, 10 December 2012

Netbook Reflection

Hi my name is Lavinia and I’m an year 7 in room 6 at Panmure Bridge School.  This is my reflection on netbooks at my school.

Positive things about having netbooks are that we can type faster, research what we want, share our work on our blogs, get images off the internet, fix our spelling faster and it will be easier for our teacher to check our work because she can get sore hands from ticking our work and writing in the right answers in our books.  

There are also negative things about having a netbooks.  Such as if we use them to much we might have bad handwriting, people might play games and not do their work. People might also go on the wrong sites and people might chat on email.

There are some unusual things about using a netbook and not books such as there are shortcuts, we can change our writing and we can do presentations.

Even though that there are negative things about netbooks I still hope we can still have them.

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