
Thursday, 5 April 2012

Swimming recount

                  Swimming recount
I wondered if it is going to be cold? Ahhhh! It’s cold! I hopped into the pool and ducked under. It was really refreshing and cool.
It was a Wednesday afternoon and it was boiling. Everyone had hopped into the pool and gathered around  Ms Kirkpatrick.  She told us the instructions. Before we had free time in the pool we swam to the other side of the pool and back without breathing. It was tiring. After that we got into a line and started swimming freestyle. Freestyle was little bit hard because you have to breathe at the right time. We all got tired so Ms Kirkpatrick told  us to do the stingray. Stingray is when you swim on your back and move your your arms up and down in the water. At the end we got to have a little bit of free time so I had handstand competition with my friends.

The next day on Thursday the sun was out again. We also got to swim again but this time in the morning. We did something way different compared to the other days. We had to do Dolphin dive and Duck dive. It was really awesome. I really enjoyed doing the Dolphin dive better than the duck dive. While doing the Duck and Dolphin dive we had to go down and get  disk. It was challenging but the best swimming activity we did all week.

On Friday Miss Kirkpatrick let me swim with the Friday group. I was so glad because it was so hot. Mr Burton said our activity was snorkeling so he gave us our snorkels. I started to swim and  played with  my friends underneath the water. I really enjoyed those three days. They were so awesome!!

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