
Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Storm in a Teacup

Storm in a Teacup

L.I. - The use of simile and metaphor in a poem
Read the poem

Complete these sentences:
A simile is…something that compares another thing.
A metaphor is... something that is straightforward.
Identify the simile- Zoom! Goes the spoon like a silver typhoon.
Identify the 3 metaphor-
Marshmallow boats.
Chocolate sea.
Pink debris.

Think of an everyday object that has some moving parts e.g. a clock

Write your own poem describing the object using a mixture of simile and metaphor.  Keep it simple and short.

Thing- Watch

Tik! Little pointing sticks,
moving around behind that small glass.
Staring at time passing,
in front of my eyes.

goes the watch,
like a alarm.

and the little pointing stick,
going round for seconds.
Waving at me,
as time passes.

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